Part-Time Or Custom Schooling

Create Your Own Personalized Program

There’s many reasons why part-time or mixed curriculum could be a good choice for your family. Maybe your student is enrolled in rigorous extracurriculars or starting their career in sports or music. Or maybe you found a curriculum set you really love using but aren’t ready to take on all of homeschooling by yourself. Maybe your student just benefits more from less time-intensive schooling and more free exploration.

Whatever your reasons, Waybright Academy is committed to supporting your vision and offers fully custom programs quoted to any student’s unique situation or needs, allowing parents to sign up for the education system that works best for them. We’ll work alongside you to implement a brand new program that helps support your student, works with your schedule, and maintains school-life balance. Whether you’re looking for part-time schedules or customized Waybright experiences, our ultimate goal is to support your students while they follow their dreams and ensure they never have to choose between their passions and a fulfilling educational environment.

Pre-Made Services To Choose From

Choose to mix in or isolate one of our tried and tested, pre-built services, or propose your own and we’ll work together to figure out how we can help!

Potential Combinations

There’s 120 possible combinations of our flexible services to choose from. We can get even more custom by deciding how much of each service works best for your student.

Built For You
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While other schools may work hard to help your student use their services, Waybright works harder building new services uniquely for every student.

What Services Do We Offer?

Opt-in to our packaged microschool experience or customize to create your own! We’ve worked with Waybright students before using these custom services, but we’re happy to do what we can to create new services as needed. 

Flexible Scheduling or Part-Time

Flexible Scheduling or Part-Time

Schedule around sports, music, or dance while still covering the essentials.

Assistance With Third-Party Programs

Assistance With Third-Party Programs

Enroll your student into third-party programs you already love and we'll structure their courses, tutor, and keep them on-task.

Supplement with STEM Electives

Supplement With STEM Electives

Send your student to experts for technical courses and handle the rest at home.

Enrichment Through Play

Enrichment Through Play

Set aside time away from coursework to experiment with STEM build boxes and skill-building play.

Purchase Individual Courses

Purchase Individual Courses

Boost Your Schooling Experience with After-School STEM Courses.
Visit The Enrichment Center

Request More Information

To request more information, text 480-331-7660 or fill out this form.

All communications go directly to the owner to ensure that you receive personalized attention and the highest quality assistance.

For more information on hours and contact options, visit our contact page.

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Congratulations on your new student’s acceptance into The Waybright Academy Microschool. Click the button now to review the enrollment checklist. The due dates for each task are listed for each.

Tuition Refund Policy

  1. All monies paid by the student will be fully refunded if the student chooses not to enroll in or to withdraw from the school within seven calendar days after having paid the commitment fee.
  2. If, after the seven-day cancellation period expires, a student withdraws [see #5] or is terminated, the commitment fee is not refundable. Any remaining tuition costs [minus the commitment fee] will be prorated based on the month the student leaves. A student is considered in the program if they attend any days during a month. For example, if your student is withdrawn on October 4th, you will be responsible for tuition for all months, from the start of the payment period through and including the full month of October.
  3. The date of withdrawal or termination is the last date of attendance by the student. Refunds are prorated based on the month the student leaves [see #2]
  4. All refunds due will be paid within sixty days of the student’s last date of attendance. I have been advised to keep a copy of this policy as well as copies of all financial documents.
  5. Acceptance of enrollment in Waybright Academy is contingent upon a commitment by the Parent or Legal Guardian to the full length of the program payment terms, including payment due dates and fees, as defined in the Tuition Commitment Agreement used to collect the commitment fee. A request for withdrawal may be submitted based on a permanent family relocation or the sudden death or serious illness that would prohibit the student from participating in a school learning environment.

Waybright Academy

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